Bobo Bay Demo – Finally a New Chao Garden!

Updated on March 10th, 2025 at 1:36 am by Savvy

Bobo Bay is what happens when Sonic Team takes too long to release a new Chao Garden. Dedicated fans take it upon themselves to create a new one. In Bobo Bay you take care of these little creatures called Bobos. You collect them from the woods nearby and train them to compete in races. You can also give them little accessories to wear.

Each Bobo has different stats that help them during the competitions, some are better swimmers, runners, climbers etc. You can also buy fruit nearby at the local town to up their stats. Other than a food stand, the town also has an accessories shop and even a secret back alley store that sells cookies that will give your Bobo animal parts and cans that you can use to mash (breed) your Bobo. You get letters throughout the demo that not only serve as a tutorial but also as worldbuilding. You’ll get letters from the event center and vendors in town, but also your mom and sister who are cheering you on your Bobo adventure.

This is a picture from the steam page the house has changed to a teapot house in the actual demo

After collecting a Bobo you should register it and give it a name at the tournament center otherwise after a few days that Bobo will pack up and leave. Since this is a demo you can only play one season, spring. The only tournaments available right now is racing but they plan on adding karate later. Like in the Sonic Adventure Chao Gardens when the Bobo are racing you are a passive observer that can only cheer from the sidelines. Be careful though cheering may make the Bobo go faster but at the cost of their stamina.

If you don’t acquire Bobos from the woods you are supposed to be able to “mash” them together to create new seedlings. I didn’t get to see this because for some reason most of my Bobos would not take the can of mash that is supposed to incite the process. When you successfully give one a “mash can” a bubble is created and you plop another Bobo in there to get them to mash, any I plopped another Bobo inside the bubble they would just leave and nothing would happen. Hopefully this gets fixed later on.

The Mashing incident

As someone who wanted a new Chao garden game I’m excited for the future of Bobo Bay. Despite that small hiccup I had with breeding I was impressed by it and will definitely buy this game when It comes out. Bobo Bay Alpha demo is currently available on Steam.

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