Marvel’s Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover may not be the best introduction to the new Insomniac Spider-Man games.
For last month’s Video Game Book Club we read Spider-Man Hostile Takeover by David Liss. This was written as a prequal for Insomniacs first Marvel Spider-Man game coming out a little before the actual game. This sadly fell short of what we expected. It starts off extremely strong but falls flat near the end.

This novel is about the Blood Spider which if you don’t know is basically just an evil version of Spider-Man. Although it does touch on the drama Spider-Man has with Fisk aka The Kingpin before the events of the first Marvel Spider-Man game, I wouldn’t recommend reading this before playing the games. In fact I would highly recommend playing through Spider-Man 1 and 2 before reading because of how Harry Osborn is talked about in this book. Echo also has a starring role in this novel although they leave it vague if she is going to return in future installments.
For full discussion check out the VGBCs Youtube or Spotify. For what we are currently reading check out GoodReads. If you wanna join in the conversion we can talk chapter to chapter on Fable .
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