At least one of the stories is good
For our yearly Fnaf novel we picked the first in the Fazbear Frights series titled Into the Pit. It consists of three novella-length horror stories and one of those is even being turned into a game. Into the Pit the first novella in the Fazbear Frights series is being adapted into its own game by Mega Cat Studios and is releasing in August of this year. Out of the three stories Into the Pit was the best one so I’m glad that one is being adapted. Although unsure how they can turn such a short story into a full game I am excited to play it and see how faithful it is to the novel. Although I do wonder why they chose this story out of all the Five Nights at Freddy’s books to adapt.
According to Elise of SGN’s own Video Game Book Club
There are 3 stories within this collection: Into the Pit, To Be Beautiful, and Count the Ways. Out of all 3 stories only the first seemed to be part of the Five Nights at Freddy’s world. All 3 have animations and according to the back of the book deal with the wishes of the children. I didn’t piece that together but found that all 3 protagonists were pretty rude to the adults in their lives and then were somewhat punished for it.
I would have rated this more of a 2.5 stars, the writing was fine but I found the plot lines not great. I took a bit of umbrage with the middle story being written for a middle school audience about body dysmorphia that only comments that she really didn’t look bad at all one sentence mid paragraph at the end of the story. The last story had a female goth protagonist whose characteristics were so stereotypical it told me that the author has never had a conversation with one.
These stories are pretty dark for the grade level it is written for. Again, it is written well but the stories themselves left me confused about why I was reading this at all. Out of the 3 FNaF books I have read, this one seemed furthest from the original idea. Into the Pit, the first story, was the best of the three but being the first set the other 2 up for failure.
For full discussion check out the VGBCs Youtube or Spotify. For what we are currently reading check out GoodReads. If you wanna join in the conversion we can talk chapter to chapter on Fable .
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