For the Video Game A.V. Club (a subsidiary of the Video Game Book Club) we watched the brand spanking new Fallout TV show available on Amazon Prime streaming. We spend 3 hours telling you our thoughts and feeling over on our podcast but I’ll sum it up here. Its pretty good. As far as adaptations of beloved video game franchise goes I would argue its one of the best maybe even the best. However, the ending of this season has left me personally with a bad taste in my mouth and fear of future seasons, but hat may not be the case for you. I highly recommend this show if you’re a Fallout fan or not. It is an adaption made with love for the franchise. I feel like a good adaption makes you want to play the source material and after beige watching all of this show I will probably do another New Vegas run. Very smart of them to not adapt an already existing story and instead go for a completely new story just set in that universe, I hope more Video Game media goes down that road. I also hope that this show stays down that road and doesn’t veer off, but only time will tell. Leave a comment down below and let me know what you think of the new Fallout TV show, did you like how it ended?
For full discussion check out the VGBCs Youtube or Spotify.
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