Dragon Age Redemption is a six episode web-series starring Felicia Day as Elvish Assassin Tallis hunting down a renegade Qunari Mage Saarebas. Along the way she picks up some companions, a bumbling Elf Mage, a problematic Templar and an even more problematic Reaver. The web-series premiered the day before the Dragon Age 2 DLC Mark of Assassin starring Day’s character Tallis. Sort of giving you an introduction to the character before having to fight side by side with her in the DLC.

For it’s low-budget and short time frame the web-series was shot in I have to say I’m Impressed by its quality. The cast is giving it there all and the props and costumes look pretty impressive. Somethings miss the mark like Tallis ears or the blood effects but overall the web-series looked pretty impressive. The special effects, props and make-up was done by Greg Aronowitz, who had been the prop maker for many shows and video games such as Fallout 4. You can read about his prop making process on this particular project on his blog.

Having a web-series as a character introduction is very 2000’s. That’s why I find this so charming. It takes me back to the day where you could make a popular web-series on YouTube and go-pros were cool. I’m also a little bias because I not only love Dragon Age 2 but I’m a huge fan of Felicia Day. The character of Tallis is very non committal with her beliefs and seems like a celebrity self-insert therefore can be hard to get behind, I understand that. To me this was fun little adventure in the world of Dragon Age through the eyes of a fan.

Dragon Age: Redemption is hard to find nowadays. I bought it online on DVD immediately after I found out it existed. You may be able to find it reuploaded to YouTube and Felicia Day’s commentary on the episodes are still available on her channel. You can also still watch the episodes crammed together into an hour movie on Tubi. If you want our full discussion on the episodes check out the VGBCs Youtube or Spotify below.
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