Savvy Gaming Networks Video Game Book Club read the first novel in the Elder Scrolls series, The Infernal City. Its the perfect novel to read while waiting for the Elder Scrolls VI (and one of the best books we read for this book club).
The Infernal City is one of two stories that take place after the video game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. There are three main story lines that interact with each other. The first is Annaig and her friend Glim, we have Colin, and then Prince Attrebus. Colin’s storyline isn’t really a main story line more like a side quest to get a more complete picture of what is happening.

Just like the cover would suggest there is a large floating city that is moving towards different cities, the first is Black Marsh that is home to Annaig and Glim. Why no one is really super concerned that a large piece of rock is floating towards them is still confusing to me. Not so much of a spoiler alert, it is a bad thing. Once Annaig sees what it is doing she decides to stay and be the one to do something about it, this leads her and Glim on their own hero quests.
Annaig reaches out to Prince Attrebus for his help and as he comes to her rescue, he too will have to go through his own hero quest for character development. So we have three different characters who must evolve in order to help themselves and others. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book where the bad guys are such awful people/creatures. They don’t have any redeeming qualities so you just feel awful for our three protagonists but there is a bunch of stuff that happens in this book and it was well written. I enjoyed reading it and would like to see what else the Elder Scrolls novels have to offer.
By: Elise and Savvy
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