In Outlast Trails you play as a prisoner of your own creation. Trapped inside the Murkoff facility forced into “therapy” . When the “therapy” is complete you can leave, but in order to do so you have to complete trails. Trails are the the same three maps with the same enemies in each map, its like a little song and dance you do of running, hiding and doing the mission objective. When I first started Outlast trails I was terrified to play it but after having to do the same 3 missions over and over again with very little variety I now feel as though I can take on the world (and by that I mean play first person horror). In order to Graduate from the facility you have to complete the same three missions on all three difficulties. Then you unlock the hardest difficulty and you have to do all those missions again. I got to play with a partner so I’m sure it was a little bit easier then playing solo. When we got to the hardest difficulty we had to recruit some help because the enemies were ruthless, they always seemed to know where we were going to be.
The more you play the more tickets you get which can be used to help make the levels a little easier for you. You can unlock the ability to heal or the ability to see through walls. Once you get to a high enough level you can even get buffs that allow you to not make noise on broken glass or to kick enemies that are attacking your friends. At the start of the game you have nothing, but as you progress the game gets a little bit easier and little more repetitive. I enjoyed hanging out in the central hub area before the trails where you can decorate your room, change your looks or arm wrestle downstairs with other players. You unlock more cosmetics the more levels you play but after you unlock them you still have to buy them, which blows. The loot is randomized so everyone may end up getting a different shirt out of the mission. The actual trails themselves are a little too edgy, it kind of takes me out of it. I understand that this is a “therapy” program that’s suppose to see if they can brainwash people into doing unspeakable things unconsciously but the subject matter seems so over the top that its just goofy. If you are okay with cutting yourself on some of that edge and wanna play it then I would wait until its out of early access, you probably won’t get a cool enough cosmetic for being their beta tester.
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