As a promotion for the new Fallout TV show on Amazon Prime, Jones came out with a new “special release” of Nuke Cola Victory. Similar to the Nuka Cola Quantum Jones put out when Fallout 4 released in 2015, this is for a limited time and they are selling out fast. I managed to snag a few (at probably too high a price) and I can tell you that it is probably my favorite Jones soda yet. Its a light and refreshing peach mango flavor and these bottles actually has medal bottle caps instead of the twist offs that the Quantum’s had. I would recommend buying them straight from Jones if you can because they are a little overpriced on Amazon. However, Jones is having shipping problems at the moment because of the high demand of the product.

If you don’t already know Nuka-Cola Victory is a Nuka-Cola variant exclusive to Fallout New Vegas. There are 14 bottles you can find throughout the game. Drinking them gives you healing and a bonus to your action points but at the cost of your perception and radiation levels. They are pretty easy to find due to there bright red-orange radioactive hue.

It was an interesting choice to do Victory as the next flavor it seems like it would be more appropriate for season 2 of the TV show. Fingers crossed that the next flavor is Sunset Sarsaparilla! What flavor do you wish Jones would do next for Fallout?
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