Happy 414
Bendy Secrets of the Machine is a free title that was released 4/14, an important number seen throughout the Bendy franchise. As a big Bendy fan myself I was pretty hyped to see a new game was dropping even if it was done so pretty silently.

In order to uncover the secrets for the machine you will mostly be walking around and throwing cans of bacon soup at everything. There are teasers for Bendy 3 and perhaps even Bendy and the Silent City which was a first person shooter Bendy title that was leaked back in 2023. There is also a reference to Bendy Nightmare Run which was a mobile game similar to Temple Run. I was lucky enough to play it a little back in the day before the servers were shut down.

The steam page says stay close for updates so it is possible that the game could get updated with new lore hints that will be added overtime. I’ll be checking back to see if they add anything within the months leading up to Bendy The Cage, which is coming sometime this year. Secrets of the Machine is an interesting little playable teaser for upcoming Bendy projects. I’m excited for any new Bendy project so this experience was a real treat

Here is a hot tip that will help you get a neat easter egg, if you eat 25 bacon soups and hear a burp run to the theater within the next 15 seconds, Break the Bendy poster on the wall and hit E (flashing light warning if you did manage to get the surprise).

Update: Some things are better left forgotten.
An update to the game has caused the farm house to be boarded up and now no one can get inside so I will leave all the pictures I took during my playthrough down below for anyone who missed out. It may or may not come back with another update or maybe its only available 4/14 only time will tell.

Update: Stay alert, this realm changes often…
So another update has made the game playable again! I’ve noticed some differences such as a Bendy that follows you now and an image of a cartoon cat that I didn’t see yesterday. If the Bendy that follows you manages to sneak up behind you it whispers at you backwards, when replayed forward is singing “Build Our Machine”.

Update: Day 3 or 4? Idk
Another room opening in the opening hallway today. A weird diagram on the floor and a bendy cutout not sure how to get a can in here to break the cutout. Respawning after the Ink Demon attack caused a can to spawn at the front of the farm house but when I picked it up it just disappeared, hopefully I didn’t just eat it. I tried recreating the attack but I didn’t see the can, guess I’ll try again tomorrow. Also while playing another update happened moving the Bendy cutout and added 3 coffins to the side of the farmhouse, yesterday there was two and the day before that one. Also if you stay in the pause menu too long the Ink Demon attacks learned that the hard way.

Update: Glowing Soup Cans
So its turns out that there is a random chance you will get a glowing can of Bacon Soup. If you touch the Bendy puppet that’s following you around it will teleport you back to the front of the farmhouse with the can. When going back inside it will be on stationary and whispering off to the side. If you throw the can at it it will teleport you and itself back outside where it is now behind you and HUGE, then your computer crashes. Also throwing the can at the Bendy cut out down the hall doesn’t do anything…yet.

Update: Gee billy 2 updates
So today I streamed my playthrough but right when I signed off another update hit so here is what I saw in both those updates.
- The Bendy off to the side of the hallway is building a pentagram (no surprise)
- If you hit the old man with enough cans he poofs away and crashes your game
- Bendy was dancing on the big screen but the latest update took that away from us (sad)
- The old man doesn’t leave the front of the theater now (unsure if that’s a glitch or not)
- The three coffins had one candle in front now they have two (wow)
- The house was condemned at one point but I just ran backwards into the void and when I arrived back at the farmhouse it was open

Update: More bugs
So today didn’t have too many. I can confirm that if the farmhouse is boarded up just walk back the way you came until it reloads. That creepy Bendy statue that follows you is now stationary and in the room with the question mark box. Is it just me or does there seem to be more bugs crawling around the main hub area? Most importantly there are now 4 whole candles in front of the coffins.

Update: Back at it again
So we have had some new developments. A little toy train has been added to the steps of the farmhouse very similar to the one Bendy was playing with in The Dark Revival. The wheelchair seems to have moved to the middle every time I got close it disappeared. A syth appears next to the Lone Wolf Boris poster after you throw a can at the popcorn sign, don’t know what that’s about. Oh and that Bendy statue is following you around the main hub again.

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