Tail & Trails is a prototype game made during Mojikencamp 2023. It’s a short and sweet story about taking care of your grandma’s three-headed lizard after her death. The three heads are named Thaw,Tea and Tooth and they haven’t barked since Grandma passed away. You spend the game going on a walk with them giving them items you find along the way. Each head has preferences and will gain or lose hearts depending on the items you give them. There is also a chance that they feel neutral about an item then in that case they would gain or lose nothing. Small items are given to one head at a time and large items are given to all the heads at once so plan accordingly.

Your goal is to get all three heads to ten hearts before reaching Sunset Park, where grandma and her lizard used to watch the sunset together. There are two different endings, if you failed to give the right items and any of the heads don’t have full hearts you get the bad ending where they live in grief needing more walking to move on. The second ending is the good ending allowing the lizards to open their hearts to you.

Once one of the heads reaches ten hearts you get a memory of Grandma and that specific head bonding. You learn a little more about Thaw, Tea and Tooth throughout your journey and its incredibly sweet. Don’t worry if you mess up your first play though because on a retry the game remembers the heads likes and dislikes making it much more challenging to mess up a second time. The camera is very slow and one of the heads gets sad if you leave it behind so you may have to pick it up to take it with you.

This game really touched my heart, losing both my Grandparents and my puppy has been tough. Even Though I’m still in grief, maybe it’s time to open my heart. If you wish to give the prototype a shot its on Itch.io, and yes you can pet the three-headed lizard.
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