Pokemon with guns finally came out. I remember seeing the trailer for this game two whole years ago and it was wild! Now it’s out in early access, so pretty barebones at the moment and there is no plot. Only little notes you can find around the environment. After customizing your character you are washed up on an island. The island is full of these mysterious creatures called “Pals” that you can catch, battle or use as manual labor. Most of the game will be spent trying to survive on the island. You must craft and build little bases. The island is chalk full of different Pals to catch depending on the region but there are also poachers that you need to fight. They are the Team Rocket of this game, showing up in dungeons or just around the island basically killing Pals. In order to catch Pals you have to decrease their health, throw a Pal Sphere and hope your percentage chance is high enough that the Pal doesn’t break out. Once caught you can use the Pal in battle or assign them to a work task. If you decrease their health too much the Pal is “unconscious forever” just lying there with X’s in their eyes.

Caught Pals also need to be taken care of, fed and pet no surprise there. The island has caves and dungeons you can explore that usually has a boss Pal at the end of it that can be caught. Overall if you like survival games you will like Palworld. It’s another goofy multiplier game to play with your silly friends on Discord. It doesn’t have a plot but the monster catching aspect of it is still fun, and they have shinies. Whether or not Pokemon fans will like it comes down to what you like about Pokemon. If it’s the Pokemon themselves or the mechanics of monster catching games then you probably will enjoy it. However if you are looking for a story maybe wait on this game and see if they add one down the road, it is in early access after all.
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