Moonlight Peaks is a goth farming sim where you play as the offspring of Dracula moving into a small town. You can grow normal crops like raspberries but you can also grow cursed crops like googly eyed garlic. You can acquire these crops from a multiple eyed toad near the bottom of your farm. You can not only purchase crops from them but you can buy decorations and resources for crafting, after your purchase the toad will give you a lovely haiku in return. There is a big emphasis on customization in this game. When you start the demo you get to decide if you’re more of a pastel goth or a goth goth. You will receive a lot of items throughout your seven demo days. Most of those items are furniture that you can use to customize your farm and home. You can craft your own furniture and tools using materials around your farm to fit whatever aesthetic you wanted to go for.

A fun quirk of being a vampire is that you can turn into a bat to move around faster. You can also use magic to help around the farm. After playing a quick follow the magic orb mini game you can cast spells that allow crops to grow faster or have a floating watering can water your crops for you. There also doesn’t seem to be a stamina bar which is nice. On your farm you have your hellkitten that will talk to you and give you advice. It also looks like you can play as the hellkitten in local Co-op although I haven’t tested it. You also have a Cheeken to give you eggs and a piggoat (to give you maybe milk I’m not really sure). Another activity you can partake in around your property is bug and soul catching. With your net you can catch floating skulls called soul blobs, butterflies and spiders running around. Perhaps later you can use these for crafting or giving to your potential friends.

Currently you can only play on your farm for thirty days. You meet the town mayor but you can’t go into town to meet anyone else. I do look forward to seeing all the supernatural town folk my vampire can romance. Overall this looks like a really unique farming sim, to quote my friend who showed me this game “ like Stardew Valley but Spooky”.
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