A Rambley Review
Indigo Park has two things I love the most in this world, a theme park and a friendly mascot character. This game takes place in the abandoned Indigo Park where our protagonist seems to be trying to investigate why their childhood park has closed. With the help of a friendly AI version of Rambley Racoon, you explore the park and try not to get caught by one of the other less friendly mascots

Rambley is an optimistic little guy helping you out by mainly giving you directions on where to go next. He can also tell you about the object you pick up when you come across an information kiosk. Throughout the park there are little merchandise items of the characters and via Rambley’s information kiosk you can get a little tidbit of lore. In one of the buildings there is an arcade machine that can be played to get a little more lore about what may potentially be going on. I won’t spoil it here but I do love a little side mini-game.

As a big Disney fan myself I really enjoy the little details thrown in like the opening speech of Indigo Park sounding almost word for word like the Disneyland opening speech. The way to get around the park is with a Critter Cuff based off Disney’s magicbands. Along with little jabs at the copy and paste merch Disney puts out.

Indigo Park is a top-tier mascot horror, it has a lot of humor and heart. It’s pretty tame but there are surprisingly some gorey elements to look out for. Since this is only the first chapter I’m interested to see where this series goes. This is a great setup and I look forward to the next installments. In fact I liked it so much I pledged to Kickstarter for chapter 2. Chapter 1 is very short, it can be finished in under an hour. Even faster if you have already played it before since the puzzles are not randomized. It’s currently free on Steam so why not spend an evening with Rambley and friends! (and Lloyd).

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