Don’t Fret is a unique mascot horror title where you are one of the mascots. You play as Fret, a little sad guitar boy trying to escape the monster infested music school, harmonic heights. Don’t Fret doesn’t launch until 2025 but there is a demo called The Audition available now.

The game starts off with an angry father demanding to see his son Fret, but his wife has changed the locks. After Fret is told to go hide, he wakes up in a guitar case now as a cartoon guitar mascot trapped in a school. This is where you take control of Fret as he navigates the school, solves puzzles and dodges monsters.

Through the completion of one of the puzzles you will acquire a light that can be used to freeze the enemies in place so you can walk right past them. Beware, because the light battery drains faster when using the UV to stop the creatures. You can also collect coins throughout the level that can be used at a payphone to make calls out of the school. As you run around you will find random phone numbers graffitied places, make sure you have a pen and paper handy because you’re going to need to write them down.

You will also come across tapes that can be used at tape players scattered around the levels. I only found one and it played an original song from nerdcore band Rockit Music. The Rockit team actually created Don’t Fret. A little secret about me, I’m a huge fan of nerdcore and Rockit music. Once I heard that they were making the very game they usually sing about I was in.

Don’t Fret looks promising. I honestly have no idea where this story is going to go, and no idea what was going on during the whole prologue. All I know is this guitar kid has got to get out of this school.
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