
High on Life & High on Knife Review


Shooting Globby Globs Straight Through my Heart I love games with chatty companions and silent protagonists so I already knew I was gonna like this game from the first trailer. You play as a male or female human bounty hunter, your choice (It doesn’t matter in this game since you will be o...

Goodbye E3, I’ll Miss You


SGN’s E3 Obituary Today the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has announced that The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) is officially dead. After 28 years gaming’s biggest event is over. The last in-person E3 show was in 2019, the pandemic was not kind to E3. The 2020 event wa...

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Review


The Pros and Cons of DnD In 2022 we got a spin off game based on a DLC from Borderlands 2, Tiny Tinas Wonderlands. In which much like the DLC Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon’s Keep you are playing a game of Bunkers and Badasses with Tina as your Bunker Master. Only this time instead of...

Far Cry Absolution Review


A Far Cry 5 Novel For the Video Game book club we read Far Cry Absolution, a novel that takes place before the events of Far Cry 5. Sadly the book doesn’t tell the reader how the Church of Eden’s Gate was formed but more of how it affected Hope County. The book follows a local hunte...