I can’t believe how high octane this game is for the Nintendo 64. Every Planet you visit tells a story about a solar system in crisis. The Lylet system is under attack by an exiled evil scientist and now its up to Fox Mccloud and the member of Starfox to save the day. Each member of Starfox is unique and charming. Their voice acting is incredible even to this day. I love the fact that you can beat this story in a day. After completing all the routes I just wanted more from this Universe, I wanted more StarFox

The atmosphere in this game is amazing, there is a galactic war going on and you can really feel it with every Planet you visit. Weather it’s the wastes of Zoness or the destruction of Cornarina you can feel the effects of Andross’s army. The low poly 3D 64 graphics really add to the kind of creepy atmosphere this game gives off you are note sure what’s leaking on each planet you visit. But your not too worried about it your wingman have your back. When they call to check in on it really eases the tension just make sure you have their back too.

This game has impeccable replay value. There is a true ending you can get if you go through the harder planets. There are three different paths to take on the main map and different patches to take on each level, you also get different dialogue depending on who in your party is still present during the mission. If one of your wingman takes too many hits then they are out for this mission and the next one until there ship repaired.

The gameplay is pretty easy to pick up even though I struggled quite a bit throughout. Even though I wasn’t very “good” at StarFox 64 I still enjoyed every moment. The different vehicles the game dished out to the player kept the gameplay fresh when you felt like the Arwing was starting to get stale. You went land, air and sea in this game making you feel like an unstoppable army of 4.
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