Sonic Superstars is a Classic Sonic style game. It has a lot of the same levels as every sonic game but the twist is that this game is 4 player co-op. The game is a fairly quick jaunt with some unique gimmicks thrown in to spice up the gameplay. You can pick between Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and Amy and each one has a distinctive move set that can benefit your playthrough in some way. There are also unlockable special moves that can be acquired by going through the special stages and collecting the Chaos Emeralds. These range from the ability to see hidden platforms to the ability to make duplicates of yourself. A new character is introduced and once you complete the game’s story mode you are able to go through the whole campaign again as her which leads to a little replay value. There are also other multiplayer modes such as battle mode. Throughout the game you collect these medals that can be used to purchase parts for a custom robot that you use in the multiplayer games both locally and online.

I love the new character trip she is extremely fun to play as. I wish her story and the main campaign had a little more differences. It was basically the same campaign with different robots. I’m honestly getting tired of these sonic games relaying on the same levels. They may be on a different island but there is a green hill, a pinball, a sky temple, hydrocity and eggman fortress in this game and every sonic game it seems. I know these are classic levels and people love them, but I just want more variety in these games. When you play as many sonic games as I do the same levels over and over and over again are starting to get old. I bought this game on Steam so a little warning, in order to play multiplayer you need to use an Epic Games login.

Overall, It is a fine sonic game. Great for if you wanna play with friends. The spirits are cute but the levels are uninspired. It’s good to see Fang again though.
Game feel-8
Atmosphere/ Aesthetic-9
Value-replayability was it worth buying-7
By: Savvy
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