~The chad inside me died that day~
Resident Evil 4 Remake is pretty alright as far as Resident Evil remakes go. It had a lot to live up to, the original Resident Evil 4 was an inspiration in the gaming space. The remake did more then just add a fresh coats of paint, it changed a few story bits and the gameplay. The story changes that they made aren’t too atrocious (though I can’t forgive them for getting rid of Ramon’s hat) and the gameplay is generally better, especially for the “modern gaming audience”. Its a little hard to convince people these days that tank controls are cool.

Leon S. Kennedy has been given a significant personality shift. In the original game, Leon was cocky and quippy where as remake Leon never fully recovered from the events of Racoon City. They left in some of Leon’s one-liners from the original, but they feel out of place coming out of a depressed Leon’s mouth. The original game begins with a recap of past events and the dissolving of the Umbrella Corporation. Meaning that, for once, Umbrella would not be the primary antagonist of this game. Now the intro monologue is more about Leon being traumatized about the fact that Umbrella was behind the Racoon City incident. Disappointing that they managed to shoehorn multiple references to the series’ big bad back into one of the few games that diverted that expectation. Plot wise they added some more depth to side characters and made Ashley (The Presidents daughter that you are tasked with saving) a lot more “cute”. Sadly most of the voice acting in this game is bad and so are the lines, but maybe I just didn’t understand the nuance. Besides minor story nitpicks the gameplay of this remake is better, unless you count the shooting.

The more you shoot in this game the less accurate you are. It feels like your wasting a lot of ammo which is scarce. First person aiming in the game doesn’t feel good, when using iron sights it should just be over the shoulder. None of the weapons should force you into first person unless it has a scope on it. Having to repair your equipment is rough as well, especially when it comes to your knife. You have to juggle new knifes and repair levels of knifes when you should really just be able to upgrade your knife. They stepped away from quick time events in this one, which in my option made cutscenes and combat a little less interactive and fun for me (but quick time events is a personal preference, so I understand if you don’t feel the same). Overall its a good remake I don’t mean to come off as negative because I did enjoy my time with it but in all honesty I liked the old Resident Evil 4 better, but don’t let me detour you from giving this one a shot. Its got a great atmosphere and if you have been playing all the new Resident Evils then I recommend giving this one a go. Its definitely a step up from the Resident Evil 3 remake.

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