A goofy and colorful first person adventure game about exploring an alien planet to see if it’s fit for humans. You spend most of the game platforming around shooting aliens and solving puzzles with the gadgets you unlock as you progress. You (and perhaps a co-op partner) run around scanning everything and collecting resources. The ship’s AI EKO will talk to you throughout your adventure but if she gets too grating you can turn her off. There is a mystery to unfold on the planet ARY-26 involving intelligent alien life. On top of solving that mystery you are also tasked with finding an alternative fuel source so that you (and crew) can fly back to earth. Your spaceship acts as the main hub area of the game where you can 3-D print all your gear and watch silly commercials on the TV. During important story beats you will have to go back to your ship but honestly that was the best part. Everywhere you have been on the map a new postcard will be added to the ships bulletin board, and that’s a nice touch. There are many different areas on the planet to explore and big bosses to fight. A lot of them are the same though, your shooting goopy weak points on an aliens body. The game can get a little repetitive and the anti-capitalism message is a little heavy handed. It’s a very short experience, while playing co-op it only took us about 5 hours. Overall it is a fun little space adventure for you and a friend to play one weekend.

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