Crow Country is a survival horror throwback game set in an abandoned theme park. You play as Mara Forest looking for answers from the theme parks owner Edward Crow. Unfortunately Crow has gone missing so Mara must scour the theme park in search of the answers she seeks.

Very much inspired by Resident Evil, Crow Country combat is tank control light. To shoot you stand in one spot and spin to face the enemy. You have a laser site very similar to resident evil 4 but instead of over the shoulder you have a top down view. In typical survival horror fashion resources are scarce. In Crow Country resources can be found by shooting boxes and bottles scattered around the level, but shooting them means wasting a bullet so it’s really a gamble every time if the item in the box is worth the loss of a bullet.

What’s nice about Crow County is there are three different modes you can play. One with no enemies so you can run around the park freely, the normal survival horror playthrough and hardcore mode with less items, no hints and harder enemies.

There are many different types of enemies in Crow Country, the classics like fast and bullet sponge. News ones like spindly and goop. They can be bypassed to save ammo or taken out just in case you need to come back to that area later. While it is nice to solve puzzles at your own pace you are really missing out if you dont at least try survival horror.

After completing the game, on subsequent playthroughs there are glass crows throughout the levels and if all are shot you unlock the zap girl costume and a laser pistol with unlimited ammo. You can also unlock special weapons depending on the rank you get in both Hardcore and Survival Horror mode, which gives that game plenty of replay value.

Overall Crow Country is an amazing survival horror experience with interesting characters and an amazing twist. I highly recommend for any fans of old school Resident Evil or Resident Evil clones like Silent Hill.
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