I played this game at launch which was a mistake. It released early to beat Starfield which was going to release around the same time. The game was very unfinished at launch, especially the multiplayer and Act 3. Luckily by the time I got to Act 3 most of the big issues had been fixed. In fact all my qualms with the game at launch were fixed in about a month. That is the fastest I’ve ever seen a game fix bugs so I have to give it props for that. This game has everything I like: companions you can romance, a deep customizable character creator, and the people you do side quests for helping you in return. I am trying to get into CRPGs for this reason. Baldur’s Gate 3 is an amazing way to start. The amount of choice you have going into different scenarios is overwhelming. Like any good CRPG your background actually matters adding choices that may help or hinder you depending on how you wanna roll play. You can choose to play as one of the companion characters known as origin characters. You can also choose a blank slate to customize to your liking. The wild card is the Dark Urge, a character who is more connected to the plot and harder to control but the experience is extremely rewarding (but maybe on a second playthrough). The plot is basically that a parasite is stuck in you and your companions brains that is supposed to turn you into a monster, but it doesn’t. You are being protected because you have a job to do. Stop something called the Absolute, its cult and find a way to get this worm out of your brain.

The thing that always bothered me about CRPGs is the top down view. I always hated it. I need to get over it, but luckily in Baldur’s Gate 3 you can have more of a third person view. For the traditional CRPG experience play with keyboard and mouse and for a more Dragon Age style experience play with a controller. All cutscenes are brought down to third person and everything is fully voice acted. All your companions are a delight as you have probably seen online. It’s nice to struggle deciding who to romance because you like them all so much. This game seems to be a little more lenient about Dnd rules than some dungeon masters. For most of the playthrough I felt the rules were fair and I understood them quickly. I thought it would be a little overly complex but it’s very beginner friendly. Act 1 is honestly the most difficult if you go to the wrong place at the wrong level. Once you move on to Act 2 and 3 you should be beefy enough to handle just about anything. Every time I had an issue with this game it was overshadowed immediately by something cool. As much as I want to call this game a slog it was a delight and it deserves every 10/10 it is getting.
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