Far Cry Absolution Review

Published on November 27, 2023 at 10:48 am by Savvy

A Far Cry 5 Novel

For the Video Game book club we read Far Cry Absolution, a novel that takes place before the events of Far Cry 5. Sadly the book doesn’t tell the reader how the Church of Eden’s Gate was formed but more of how it affected Hope County. The book follows a local hunter named William Boyd who is a member of Eden’s Gate. He helps out the local bar keep Mary May Fairgrave who is being threated by John Seed, brother of the cult’s leader and head of security.

Mary May Fairgrave is a character that you will run into while playing Far Cry 5. Although Boyd is missing in game his house is still on the map and can be looted. This book add very little to the world building of the game other then making John Seed look worse then he already is. If you have played the game and liked it, then it might be nice to revisit Hope County in a new way. Its a slow story that doesn’t add anything to your Far Cry 5 experience, but it might be worth a read if you are a big fan of Far Cry 5 like myself.

For full discussion on this novel check out SGN’s video game book club on Youtube or Spotify.

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