After years of being in post-production limbo the Borderlands movie is finally out. It’s an original story using characters from Borderlands 1 and 2. Lilith is a bounty hunter sent to Pandora to find Tina, the daughter of the president of the Atlas Corporation. On her journey she reluctantly teams up with quirky robot Claptrap, ex-soldier Roland, and ex-psycho Krieg.

Overall I feel like this movie was pretty good. I went into it with low hopes since personally I feel Borderlands would be a difficult game series to adapt. The novel was disgusting, Borderlands The Pre-Sequel and 3 were a huge disappointment but when it comes to the film I was pleasantly surprised. Personally I felt the characters matched there in game counterparts really well. Multiple times throughout the movie someone would say a line and I would think “ yeah that sounds like something [insert character here] would say”. The set and costume design was also incredible, Lilith’s wig was one of the best wings I have ever seen. It really seemed like the people working on this film cared about the world of Borderlands and its characters. Although they don’t seem to care enough about guns. The lack of cool quirky guns in this game really threw me for a loop because….isn’t that’s what Borderlands is all about. I went into the movie thinking that there had to be a scene where they run out of ammo and throw a gun and it explodes but that didn’t happen so it gets docked points.

If you have been disappointed by recent entries in the Borderlands series I think you would like this movie. I would recommend waiting until it’s on streaming or if you can see it on those moving theater seats (D-Box) do that because it was awesome!
For full discussion check out the VGBCs Youtube or Spotify.
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